देश में कई विषय ऐसे हैं जिनपर कई मत हैं। उन्हीं में से एक हैं सांप्रदायकिता। सांप्रदायिकता पर एक नया दृष्टिकोण : राजकिशोर महतो।
The word “Commune” is the origin for the word community. Caste system in India strengthened the feeling of a community being separate from other communities. The boarder line between caste, races, and creeds became clearer with passage of time for some reason or the other.The existence of community was accepted by Indian society and this caste system and its evils became even traditional. Simultaneously a struggle was also started and continued by some great Mahatmas & social reformers against the evils of caste system.Than came up the era of invention of religions Sanatan Dharma, Islam, Christianity and other religions come in to existence gradually and another types of communities were created.Before Independence of India from British Rule, the Hindus, Muslims, Sikh, Christians all fought for the independence of India irrespective of caste creed, race and religion, all participated in the strangle.
But, at the time of independence the Muslim leader pleaded for a separate Pakistan, Sikhs leader pleaded for a separate Khalistan. India was divide in Pakistan and Hindustan in 1947. although the people in general never anticipated this change.Many of the Muslim families went to Pakistan and many of the Hindu families went to Hindustan. It is surprising that most Indians did not leave Pakistan and most Muslim did not leave Hindustan. Even after sixty one years of separation, these people do not want to leave their homes, hearths, i.e. village, towns where they had been living since the time of their fore fathers. It is still unlikable for than to part with the soil where they had born and brought up in both the new territories.
The caste system in India, became the foundation of caste-politics in India. The concept of communism its principal theory of class struggle could not be successful in India, became of this caste system which has divided Indian society in many divisions, which subsequently has classified the society in to oppressed class i.e. Dalit class and Higher caste or Higher class concentration of many and power centralized in the hands of Higher caste people.The caste system played a vital role in Indian Politics in so much so that many states in India has political parties at top Which germinated from caste politics and are still continuing.
The constitution of India although speaks of equality in all sphere of life and says that no body will be discriminated on the basis of caste creed, race and religion, Our constitution provides for and gives permission to divide the society on the basis of the caste, creed, race & religion for certain purpose i.e. for their development. Unfortunately, no permission has been given to divide the society on the basis of economic criteria.During these sixty one years the so called leader of the oppressed communities have compelled their communities to develop hatred towards so call effluent people i.e. Higher communities and the leaders of Minority community ( Muslims & Christian etc.) against the so called major community Instead of love and affection with each other.A feeling of fear and threat and uncertainty has also grown up in the so called forward classes of the county and majority community.Now, as I have said that the communal hatred based on religion has become more intense and harmful, then caste based hatred. Now a days so many organizations have sprung up which are blaming each other to be religiously communal.
Now a days the caste line politics and propagations or feeling of separation on caste line is not being called as communal, but the word “Communal” has became synonymous with religion Communalism.When leaders like Laloo Prasad makes formula like “Mai” and “Bhura Bal & of karo” he is not defamed as communal. When leader like Mayabati speaks of Dalits only and abuses other higher class people as “Trazu, Talwar & Tilak”, she is not leveled as communal. It recently the Chief Minister of Jharkhand Shibu Soren says on caste line that Manjhis & Mains” combine, they will rule Jharkhand, Shri Soren is not blamed for being communal.Surprising is that the B.J.P. and R.S.S. are always being blamed and leveled and defamed as being communal if they speak of Rastriyata or Hindus Rastriyata without going in to caste line or religion line of. After all what is a country ? A territorial division in which certain people live and reside. What is “Rastriyata” then it is the feeling of love to the soil, the spirit of the country.
n Surprisingly enough the formation of boundary lines of a Pakistan & Hindustan has been on the basis of this Rastiyata. Who are “Hindus”. Every body knows that the people living around Indus River had been called Hindus. This region extends to far off places and covers large area.Then if R.S.S. / B.J.P. says that every body borne in this region is Hindu irrespective of caste, creed, race and religion, where is the wrong. Why persons are afraid to sing the “Vandemataram” Creating love and affection to the soil i.e. country i.e. Matribhumi. The “Hindutawa” is the Rastriyata of Hindustan therefore .R.S.S has been saying so since before Independence of India since 1928 till date.The Honorable supreme court of India in its decising dated 11/12/1995 has accepted that “Hindutwas” is the “Rastriyata” of Hindustan.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
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